Muddy Boots offers immersive, plant-led landscape design
that creates an emotional connection with your outside space

Muddy Boots combines garden design expertise with straight-talking communications and experienced project co-ordination.

Emma Hanford, owner of Muddy Boots, leads private landscape design projects in and around Beaconsfield, South Buckinghamshire, working with skilled contractors and quality trade nurseries to deliver your project with passion and purpose.

News & Views


Don’t miss out on your dream garden next Summer – plan ahead now…

This year we’ve all spent more time than ever enjoying our gardens – they have become the place to escape into newly-valued fresh air, to work and play, indeed they have been a salvation[…]

How does your garden make you feel?

When we stop and notice how landscapes make us feel, we can start to understand how garden spaces can be designed to create different moods and atmospheres[…]

Autumn gives us the excuse to pause and savour our garden and outdoor spaces

Beyond the unrelenting heat of Summer, Autumn give us an opportunity to savour the sights, smells and lushness in our garden that comes with a change in the weather.[…]


To start talking about your outdoor space, fill in the form below or contact Emma Hanford on 07702 599562 or emma@mymuddyboots.co.uk